- Posted by Snowy 14 Aug
Video Advertising: Why you need it & what we can do to help
Have you ever wondered how adverts come to life? There is a lot of work involved from the moment an idea is formed to the point where it finally hits the screens. From creating a suitable narrative to finding the right characters and defining an appropriate style; let’s just say the process involves more than just filming for about 30 seconds.
High quality video advertising is an essential if you want to introduce your company to a wider audience. Whether you want to build up its image or maybe advertise a specific product, choosing the right approach is a must in the competitive world of video advertising.
Creativity is key
Every ad we produce is a whole new chance to explore our imagination and come up with vibrant new ideas. At the end of the day, what really matters is whether the message has stayed on people’s minds after the ad has broadcast, and to achieve that it is necessary to make an impact. When you think of an advert, do you think of a radio advert? or do you think of a furry talking Mercat on TV?
A creative mind-set and up-to-date knowledge on current trends is essential to create strong, memorable characters that leave a lasting memory. According to Unruly, enjoyment of video adverts increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%. This is why making a good emotional impression is vital to achieve the best results. Style, tone and even the spectrum of colours used become crucial when creating that perfect ad you were looking for.
Targeting the right audience is also fundamental. Before you even begin to think of an idea you must take into account who is going to be watching. All concepts and designs must be developed to target the right audience in order for your company/brand to be represented in the most appropriate way…But most importantly you must first choose what type of format you’d like to use…
Live action VS Animation
By now you must have noticed the ever-increasing use of animation in today’s video advertising. Whether there is an advert that combines live action with animated images/VFX or one created solely through animation, these types of ads are rapidly taking over our screens. M&Ms, Compare the Meerkat, Argos, Churchill, TSB, TalkTalk, Honda, Red Bull, John Lewis, Haribo, Coca Cola and Nike, to name a few. These are just a handful of brands that have chosen to make use of animation as their marketing strategy over the past few years.
Yes, live action advertisements work well for some projects, yet animation’s current up-and-coming popularity can’t be overlooked. Its eye-catching nature and fresh, snappy feel allows it to challenge its more traditional counterpart and bring a new, more modern approach to advertising.
With 72 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every minute, competition is fierce. This means it’s important to be ahead of the game now more than ever. We live in a world completely saturated with multimedia content, which has made ‘standing out’ one of the most significant factors when considering introducing yet another ad to the bunch.
With animation there are no limits as to what can be achieved. Whether you want something that has a playful and humorous feel to it or perhaps prefer something with an analytical and formal tone instead, it can be adapted to whatever suits your needs.
Additionally, animated adverts are simpler to broadcast in various languages, adapting the voice over instead of resorting to sloppy, imprecise dubbing. This will prove useful if you aim bigger and transcend towards an international audience. Who doesn’t remember at least one of the many animated adverts Red Bull has produced over the years? Have you ever wondered what they sound like in different languages?
Here is an example of how minor changes in dialog can accommodate the same ad to different parts of the world:
Red Bull “Confession” 2011 Ad USA
VS Red Bull “Confesión” 2011 Ad Spain
But most importantly, remember it’s all about making that memory last. By creating a lovable character that audiences fall in love with we ensure your brand gets associated to its image forever. This has proven a great success for many companies already.
So if you’re thinking about taking that next step and want to advertise your brand, there is definitely something we can do to help. From localised adverts centred on small regions to bigger national or international projects, we will do everything to help you reach out to the audience you want.
Get a further insight into what exactly we do at LoveLove by checking out our website at www.lovelovefilms.com
If you want to discuss how LoveLove Films can create some exciting and affordable TV commercials for your brand contact us now at : info@lovelovefillms.com or call 0044 (0)1202 537858
Please note we did not produce Meercat or the M&M adverts – but they are smashing examples of brilliant animations.
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